[2024/05/17] 【八大·王牌學科】浸大遊戲設計動畫課 面試重視作品集
“HKBU's Game Design and Animation Program: Portfolio Takes Center Stage in Admissions Interviews” [WenWeiPo]
[2024/05/10] 浸大伙中環街市辦展 虛實間感受老店滴噠
“HKBU and Central Market Collaborate on Exhibition: Experience the Stories of Legacy Shops Through Augmented Reality” [Ming Pao]
[2023/04/20] 浸大動漫新血 國際授權展露頭角 冀獲商家垂青兼「偷師」
“Emerging talent from HKBU's animation program shines at International Licensing Show, hoping to attract business attention and learn from industry leaders” [Sky Post]
[2023/04/20] 遊車河啟發動畫創作 浸大生證AI不能取代
“Public Transport-Inspired Animations by HKBU Students Showcase the Irreplaceable Ingenuity of Human Creativity over AI” [Ming Pao]
[2023/04/20]港生動畫首登國際授權展 以自身經歷創作角色 無懼AI替代
“HK Students’ Animation Debuts at International Licensing Show, Emphasizing the vitality of First-hand Observation and Experience, Asserting Indispensability of Human Creativity over AI” [Line Today]
[2023/04/20] 港生創作動畫 首登國際授權展
“HK Students’ Original Animation Debuts at International Licensing Show” [Oriental Daily]
[2023/04/20]港生動畫首登國際授權展 以自身經歷創作角色 無懼AI替代
“HK Students’ Animation Debuts at International Licensing Show, Emphasizing the vitality of First-hand Observation and Experience, Asserting Indispensability of Human Creativity over AI” [on.cc]
[2023/04/20] 浸大生創動畫角色冀推動保育
"HKBU Students Create Animation Characters to Raise Awareness for Environmental Conservation" [Headline Daily]
[2023/04/20] 遊車河啟發動畫創作 浸大生證AI不能取代
“Public Transport-Inspired Animations by HKBU Students Showcase the Irreplaceable Ingenuity of Human Creativity over AI” [Ming Pao Canada]
[2023/04/20] 游车河启发动画创作浸大生证AI不能取代)
“Public Transport-Inspired Animations by HKBU Students Showcase the Irreplaceable Ingenuity of Human Creativity over AI” [Ming Sheng Bao]
[2022/11/03] 浸大傳理學學士(榮譽)遊戲設計與動畫主修課程 遊戲創作塑造明日世界
“Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Game Design and Animation at HKBU, Game Creation Shaping Tomorrow’s World” [JUPAS Ming Pao]
[2022/12/09] 聯招首輪截止 中大體育42爭1 教大中史激烈度居次 浸大傳理兩科逾30競1
“JUPAS First-round of Applications Ends, Competition for admission to HKBU’s two communication ungraduated programmes (including Game Design and Animation Major) is fierce, Over 30 students vying for 1 place” [Ming Pao]
[2022/07/26] JUPAS最終改選 中大中國研究競爭最烈
“HKBU’s Game Design and Animation Major is One of the Top 10 Most Competitive Programmes in the Final Round of JUPAS Applications” [Ming Pao]
[2022/05/24] 浸大五新課程範疇廣 遊戲設計及醫療吸睛
“Among HKBU’s new undergraduate programmes, Game Design and Animation Major and Healthcare are the most notable” [Headline Daily]
[2021/12/08] 浸大全港首個遊戲設計與動畫課程 名額20人:唔好鍾意打機就報名
“HKBU's Game Design and Animation Major Programme, the First of its Kind in Hong Kong, Offers only 20 places and is not just for video game enthusiasts” [HK01]